Adult Programs
There are many opportunities at Muhlenberg for adults to learn and grow together.
Adult Sunday School
On Sunday mornings at 9:45am, gather with others to connect, ask questions, and explore faith.
Civic Life and Faith
The group is exploring three different topics – Refugees, Sexuality, and Race, spending 14 weeks on each topic. This class meets in the Kairos Room and is facilitated by Karen Thomsen and Brad Moyers.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
This Zoom Bible study, led by Pastor Lauren, meets Wednesday mornings at 10:30am to study the Narrative Lectionary texts. Over the course of the year, we get a great overview of the overarching Biblical narrative. You’re welcome to drop in as your schedule allows. No previous experience in Bible study necessary, just a desire to explore! Connect with the group at
Confirmation for All Ages
Join Pastor Alex in studying Luther’s Small Catechism on the first Sunday of each month from 6-8pm in the Nielsen Room. You’ll learn a lot, and have a lot of fun doing it! Dinner is provided.
Men’s Group
The Men’s Group meets the first Thursday of each month at 9am at Mr. J’s Bagels (1731 S. High St) for fellowship and Bible study. Contact Dave Barnes or Mark Warner for more information. All are welcome!
Engaging with Henri Nouwen Devotionals
The group reads, ponders, discusses, and considers questions (and as usual generates more questions than we have answers to!) surrounding the works of Henri Nouwen. This class meets in the Nielsen Room and is facilitated by Mark Warner.
Parent Connection
Want a place to connect and have child-free conversation while our children are in the nursery or in Sunday School? This is an informal space, not a class, for parents to have a chance to get to know each other better. Join us in the Gathering Area Sundays at 9:45 am. We understand that life (and children) are unpredictable, so join as you are able.
Why Groups
Each year during Lent, small groups called “Why Groups” are formed. All members of Muhlenberg are encouraged to sign up for a group. It’s a five week commitment and groups are offered in various times and locations throughout the week. Join with others in diving deeper into God’s Word as we explore the “whys” of our faith.
Young Adults Group
Young adults aged 21 - 35-ish are invited to join in fellowship, study, and service with Young Adults at Muhlenberg. (If you feel like the term “young adult” applies to you, join us!) We gather for a BYO lunch each month, joining in biblical study, community service and mutual support. The group regularly meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month after the 11:00 service in the Campus Room.
Want to do some learning on your own?