Serve in Worship

“Work of the People”

Our liturgy is, by definition, the “work of the people.” There are lots of ways to get involved in worship, and many find that serving in worship is a meaningful part of their Sunday morning. If you’d like to get involved or simply learn more, fill out our volunteer form to get started.

communion service harrisonburg va

Sign up here to serve as a Worship Assistant!

Lay Assisting Ministers (LAMs)

LAMs play an important role in worship, as they help distribute communion and sometimes set and then clean up the communion elements. They also lead prayers and assist in other parts of the service as requested by the pastors. 


Ushers provide important hospitality to all who come to worship, assisting with distributing bulletins, collecting the offering, and communion distribution. 


Lectors read Scripture passages in worship. Being a lector is a great way to deepen your appreciation of the Bible, and assist fellow worshippers to clearly and prayerfully hear the Word of God. 

Crucifer and Torchbearers

They lead us into worship, keeping us focused on the cross of Christ. They can also assist with collecting the offering and distributing communion. 

Sound Techs and Livestream Operators

They have the important job of making sure our worship can be seen and heard, both in person and online! These jobs may seem daunting, but they’re easy to learn and we provide training! 

Altar Guild

After Guild is the fancy name for those who help get the sanctuary dressed for worship and the communion meal ready to be served. There are many small tasks and sub-groups in this area. Can you help hang banners or change paraments? Refill the oil in candles? Prep or clean up communion elements? Bake bread? If you’ve got a few minutes each week, we’ve got a job for you that is vital to making worship happen!

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Service Interest Form