Join us during Lent at Muhlenberg!

everything [in] between: Meeting God in the Midst of Extremes

The Gospel of Luke will guide us through Lent this year. Beginning with Jesus setting his face toward Jerusalem (Luke 9:51), we’ll hear familiar stories anew: the Good Samaritan, Mary and Martha, the fruitless fig tree, the Lost Sheep, Zacchaeus, and more.

In these stories, it’s striking that Jesus intentionally pointed out cultural and political extremes to emphasize the radical, inclusive, and surprising love of God. And so, our theme invites us to navigate the polarities in our own lives with more faith, intention, and openness to be transformed.

This season, we will look beyond black-and-white binaries and easy answers. We'll imagine where God might be meeting us beyond the categories we create. This Lent, we're trusting that God shows up in shades of gray, rainbow hues, and everywhere in between.

Sunday Mornings in Lent

  • March 9: Stranger & Neighbor (Parable of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10)

  • March 16: Faith & Works (Mary and Martha host Jesus, Luke 10)

  • March 23: Rest & Growth (Parable of the Fig Tree, Luke 13)

  • March 30: Lost & Found (Parable of the Lost Sheep, Luke 15)

  • April 6: Righteousness & Mercy (Zaccheaus greets Jesus, Luke 19)

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - Mar. 4, 6:00pm

Join us for our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, March 4 at 6:00pm in the MAC! Pancakes, sausage, egg casseroles and fruit provided. Bring your appetite and celebrate Fat Tuesday with us at Muhlenberg. Doors open at 6:00pm, but if you arrive early, you're welcome to wait in the Gathering Area and visit with others there. Want to volunteer? Contact Emily Carneal (

Ash Wednesday - Mar. 5, 12:00 noon & 7:00pm Worship

Two worship services will be offered on March 5, Ash Wednesday. The 12:00 noon service will be simple, with a focus on the imposition of ashes, the reading and preaching of the Word, and Holy Communion. The 7:00pm service will include all of these elements as well as a fuller liturgy with choir, and will also be live-streamed. If you are unable to come to the church on Ash Wednesday to receive ashes, we will bring the ashes to you! Please contact the church office by Monday, March 3 to request a brief visit from a pastor on Ash Wednesday.

“Why Groups”

Throughout the week, we’ll gather in small groups to further explore everything [in] between the extremes of our lives. These small groups are called “Why Groups” as they provide a space for us to ask questions and explore together. We encourage you to commit to just one hour a week for five weeks to deepen your faith journey and your relationships with others in our community. The planned groups are listed below. If you can’t find one that works for your schedule, get in touch with Pastor Lauren and she’ll help you organize a group at a time that works for you! You can sign up for a Why Groups and see the full (listing of groups) online HERE, or by calling the church office. Join in the conversation!

Music During Lent

“Coming Home” - the 16th Annual Lenten Recital Series begins Thursday, March 13 at 12:00 noon and continues on Thursdays in Lent. This year's recital series, “Coming Home,” will feature vocalists and instrumentalists from the local community. We are especially fortunate and excited to welcome the Lenoir-Rhyne University Chorale and Brass Ensemble in recital as a part of this year's series. Traveling back home from performances in NYC, this ensemble’s recital will be a unique and exciting offering for the church and wider Harrisonburg community. Check our Events Listing for details on each recital!

Cherub Choir and Youth Ensemble: Children’s Choir and Youth Ensemble rehearsals are beginning again in preparation for Lent V and Easter Sunday! The Children’s Choir will rehearse in the sanctuary from 12:15-12:45pm, and the Youth Ensemble will rehearse in the music room from 12:15-1:10pm. Both groups will share their talents in worship on Lent V, April 6, and Easter Sunday, April 20. We are pleased to announce that the Youth Ensemble will be sharing their gifts at both services on Easter, 8:30 and 11:00am!

If you or your child would like to participate in the Children’s Choir, please email Music Minister Matt Thomas at or just show up! To participate in the Youth Ensemble, please email Music Ministry Accompanist Linlin Uta at, as it would be helpful for Linlin to know ahead of time who is participating, so she can choose selections specific to those particular instruments/vocalists. Come sing, play and praise!

Lent Devotions

Two devotional resources will be available this year:

  • The first is a booklet that begins with Ash Wednesday and concludes on Easter Sunday. The devotional follows Jesus through Luke’s Gospel. Each week offers biblical commentary, poetry, visual art, hymns, and reflection prompts. We encourage you to walk through these weekly readings at your own pace throughout the season, following the rhythm that works best for you.

  • The second is a set of daily devotional cards. Beginning with Ash Wednesday and continuing through the first few days of Eastertide, we invite you to use these daily devotional cards to deepen your spiritual walk through Lent. You might place the stack of cards by your bed to read first thing in the morning or right before you sleep at night. Display the prayers that resonate with you the most. Perhaps use the questions as prompts to journal and reflect. Day by day, may these prayers remind you that God is by your side, through your doubt, your faith, and everything [in] between.

Each of these devotionals will be available in the Gathering Area at the beginning of March. A suggested donation of $3 for a booklet or a set of cards, OR $5 for one of each, will help us offset the costs.

Lenten Service Project

Did you know that 100 people, designated by the United Nations as refugees, have recently been relocated here in our community? These brothers and sisters have arrived with almost nothing after spending years in a refugee camp. Church World Service provides support for the first 90 days they are in the community but, due to federal funds being frozen, their support is limited. Our Local and Global Outreach Ministry invites everyone at Muhlenberg to shower our new neighbors with love and some practical necessities. We are providing a list of needed supplies for each Sunday in Lent but, of course, you are welcome to bring supplies as you are able. Let us be a Wellspring of God's grace!

  • 1st Sunday - deodorant and disposable razors and shaving cream (for men and women)

  • 2nd Sunday - brushes and combs and diapers sizes 3-7

  • 3rd Sunday - shampoo & conditioner and feminine sanitary pads

  • 4th Sunday - dish soap and sponges and laundry detergent

  • 5th Sunday - all-purpose cleaning spray and/or toilet brush and toilet bowl cleaner

  • 6th Sunday - floor cleaner and trash bags

“Welcome to the Table”

Join us Sundays March 30, April 6 (in the MAC at 9:45am), and Saturday April 12 (10:00-11:30am in the Gathering Area) for a “Welcome to the Table” first communion class. This class is open to children of all ages who are baptized and ready to receive communion. In this class, we will learn about why we take communion, what the elements of communion are, and how communion connects us to our faith community. Parents are encouraged to participate with their children. If your child is ready to participate, please email Children’s Minister Ashley Saunders (


Easter Flowers

The tradition of Easter lilies, hydrangeas, and hyacinths in the church is a beautiful way to remember and honor loved ones. The cost per plant is $25, with a limited number of plants available. To reserve your Easter flowers:

  • Sign up online HERE, at the Connection Center, or call the church office at 540-434-3496.

  • Pay for Easter Flowers (write your flower preference on the memo line). Place your check in the offering plate, or mail it to the church office (281 East Market Street, Harrisonburg 22801). Payments reserve flowers.

Flowers may be picked up Easter Sunday after the 11:00am service. Sign up deadline is Sunday, April 6 (no additional flowers will be ordered after that date).

Holy Week

Mark your calendars for Holy Week Worship services this year!

  • Palm Sunday - April 13, 8:30 and 11:00am: we explore the theme of Silence & Shouting as Jesus’ quiet presence inspires the multitude to shout out and praise God.

  • The Triduum (The Three Days) is the ancient observance of the mystery of our salvation, which plunges the faithful into the death of Jesus and brings them with him to resurrection life. The Three Days is one liturgy, extending from Thursday evening through the Easter Vigil. You are invited to conform your life to the worship rhythms of the church on these three days:

    • Maundy Thursday - Thursday, April 17, 7:00pm - Power & Humility: we heed Christ’s commandment to love one another as we wash each other’s feet (service will also be live-streamed).

    • Good Friday - Friday, April 18, 7:00pm - Acceptance & Resistance: we hear the passion of Christ, the narrative of Jesus crucified and reigning from the cross (service will also be live-streamed).

    • Easter Vigil - Saturday, April 19, 8:00pm - Darkness & Light: this is the high point of the church’s year, the night, the very night, the Passover of Christ from death to life. We’ll begin with the lighting of the new fire, process into the sanctuary as the Scripture comes to life through drama, then gather around the communion table to celebrate the first resurrection meal. Following the service, we’ll extend the celebration of Easter with food and fellowship.

  • Easter Sunday - April 20, 8:30 and 11:00am - Grief & Hope: Christ is risen, and through him all creation is made new! On Easter Sunday, in word and feast, we celebrate God’s unending love. Join us at 9:45am inside the MAC this Easter Sunday for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. In addition to the hunt and brunch, there will be an opportunity to have a family picture taken and printed, games, and activities for kids of all ages. (11:00am service will also be live-streamed).


Sign up for a “Why Group” TODAY!


Thrivent “Action Sunday”, Sun. Feb. 23!