Order Easter Flowers Today!
The tradition of Easter lilies, hydrangeas and hyacinths in the church is a beautiful way to remember and honor loved ones. The cost per plant is $25, with a limited number of plants available. To reserve your Easter flowers, do the following:
Sign up online HERE - https://forms.gle/NPBu8YaEqK2PoBW77, in the Sign-Up Notebook in the Gathering Area, or call the church office (540-434-3496).
Pay for Easter flowers (write your flower preference on the memo line). Place your check in the offering plate, or mail it to the church office (281 East Market Street, Harrisonburg 22801). Payments reserve flowers.
Flowers may be picked up Easter Sunday after the 11:00am service. Sign up deadline is Sunday, April 6 (no additional flowers will be ordered after that date).