SPECIAL EVENT: “Hope in a Divided World: A Faithful Response to Christian Nationalism” - Sat. Mar. 8 10:00am-2:30pm
You're invited to a special event March 8 in the Nielsen Room - “Hope in a Divided World: A Faithful Response to Christian Nationalism” - exploring how Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s theology and legacy help the Church and people of faith to authentically and humbly act at the intersection of civic life and faith, in contrast and response to the forces of Christian Nationalism. We'll gather for a live-streamed presentation from United Lutheran Seminary plus discussion led by Pastor Lauren.
The cost to attend is $30 / person, which includes lunch. Please email Pastor Lauren (eanes@muhlenberglutheran.org) by Wed. March 5 if you plan to attend.
10:00am - Amanda Tyler will offer insights related to our current context and her new book How to End Christian Nationalism. This presentation defines what Christian nationalism is, explains how it works in our society (and beyond), interprets the movement in the light of the gospel, and offers suggestions for Christian response.
11:00am - Dr. Brandt Hale will give a public lecture on Bonhoeffer’s concept of “This- Worldly” Christianity, also known as “religionless” Christianity. Dr. Brandt Hale will illustrate how Bonhoeffer’s thinking evolves, and how ultimately, he believes that the Christian witness is most faithful and powerful when “viewed from below,” from the perspective of everyday people, especially the poor and oppressed.
12:00 noon - Lunch (included in admission price) - We'll make a group order from Lola's Deli, and enjoy our sandwiches together as we discuss the morning's presentations.
1:30pm - A panel discussion featuring Dr. Brandt Hale, Ms. Tyler, and the Rev. Amy Reumann will follow lunch to help participants understand the ways in which Bonhoeffer’s theology counters the ways in which Christian nationalist forces frame “faithful” participation in the public sphere. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of ways in which they can speak about their faith and public life and can take concrete action to counter the harmful narratives of Christian nationalism.