Try the Choir!

Do you enjoy hearing the choir sing on Sunday? Do you enjoy singing? Do you want to be part of a great community of people? Would you like to combine the three-in-one in order to have a more fulfilling spiritual and artistic life? If so, you are cordially invited to “try out the choir!” The Chancel Choir rehearses Wednesday evenings, 6:30 – 8:00 pm and leads worship in both the 8:30 and 11:00 services most Sundays. All voice parts are welcome; however, we are particularly seeking basses and tenors at this time. There is no requirement for reading music or being present for both services every Sunday. If you are interested in trying out the choir, please contact Music Minister Matt Thomas: 


Midweek Noon Service - Wed. Feb. 5 at 12:00noon


Hybrid Annual Meeting of the Congregation - Details and Resources!